
modern idiot.

I have a relatively high propensity for jackassery. Marriage has slowed me down a bit since I'm out fewer late nights, and I drink, um, differently (read: slower and in a less concentrated manner).

I also enjoy others with the same tendency. As an example, the first story I ever heard about my husband, from my coworker who was also his roommate, was about his misguided Christmas shopping trip to the Macy's in Herald Square. To effectively erase the horror of that trip through the 7th circle of hell, he'd gotten drunk and fallen asleep right outside the door of his 6th floor walk-up apartment. With his key in the lock. I thought he sounded like he might be fun.

Fueled by a tiny bit of whiskey, and a reasonable amount of wintertime cabin fever, I had a little dance party last night to the music in my headphones. On the street corner. In my neighborhood. In front of my grocery store.

In return, I woke up this morning with perfect Jenny Lewis hair. The lesson I've learned? Assery begets awesomeness.


newish year.

I vehemently dislike New Year's resolutions and I firmly believe that most people have no intention of sticking to them even if they do make some annual edicts for themselves.

This year though, has been exceptionally hard. I'd like to think that I've learned an awful lot, and have come out the other side with some more concrete knowledge of myself, but at the very least I do have a list of things that I know could use some work.

1. money. I love stuff. The mister and I are on the low end of being reasonably well-paid, but after mortgage payments,
maintenance, bills and dog stuff, we don't have a ton of disposable income. So I'm going to work on only buying things that I need and/or love desperately. Also, I need to stop ordering in so damned often and cook the stuff sitting in my fridge.

2. write some stuff. I have been procrastinating lots over the last year - to the point of total embarrassment. I have put off my 50-page thesis for longer than is comfortable to say and need to finish that (not to mention that it's costing me money the longer I wait, see #1). Also, I have a blog, I guess I should actually, you know, update it?

3. remove foot from mouth. I am impulsive. I do things quickly and say things quickly and haven't always considered the implications (or all of the actual facts) beforehand. I think a lot angst could be saved by pausing for a moment for consideration before I open my fat gob.

I make no promises, but at least I'm trying.



How is it that no matter how dreadful the aftermath, snow is always so magical when it's falling? Another 2-4 inches predicted today. Happy my snowboots finally arrived last week.